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“Unless the Holy Spirit illumines a person’s mind to see the truth as truth, unless He bends that person’s proud will to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ, no words of ours will penetrate. But in the hands of God an intelligent answer to a person’s question may well be the instrument God uses to open his heart and mind to the Gospel.”           ~ Paul Little

College Ministry

His Voice Ministries has established a regular presence on CSUF and Fresno City College campuses by preaching and performing outreaches in the free speech areas of both campuses. Once a month we share a Bible message, pass out tracts, and engage in conversations that matter with the students. One of our outreaches takes place in February, around Valentine's Day when the focus is on God's love for mankind. After a brief Bible message, we distribute long-stemmed roses with verses attached to them and give them to students. This ministry has gained us the reputation of "the flower preachers" at CSUF.


Street Ministry

Some people don’t think street preaching is effective, but evangelism takes place when we go to where people are. If you’re standing at an intersection, there are people in cars stopped at traffic lights and pedestrians crossing the streets. You would be surprised at the number of people you can cross paths with in one hour.
How much can you say to someone between lights?

"Our responsibility in going out into the world is not to comment ourselves, not to commend our brand of Christian understanding, but it is to commend and present JESUS."
~ Alister Begg ~




High Schools

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